Construction project

Thumb-Up! Two Primary Schools Innovation Completed Charitably by Zambia Engineering Company

Release time:

On the morning of October 13 local time, two primary schools repaired and innovated charitably by Shandong Dejian International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co., Ltd Zambia Engineering Company (hereinafter referred as Shandong Dejian) in Chipili area, Luapula Province were officially put into use.

The Dejian International noticed that the two primary schools were dilapidated when operating construction projects near Mukabi and Luminu primary schools in Chipili District. In order to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for children attending schools nearby, Shandong Dejian decided to repair them free of charge. It takes a couple of technicians  the whole month to fulfill the innovation. They repaired the foundation, strengthened the outer wall, advanced new colored steel tiles and painted the wall of the school for the worn school facility with worn roofing due to wind and rain, so as to improve and perfect all-weather learning building for the children of the two schools before the rainy season.

Currently, two new school buildings with clean and tidy campus environment are presented in front of the children whose faces lighted with bright smiles, which make the personnel involved in the innovation charity feel it worthwhile.The Chairman of Chipili District Council called in person remarking that the rainy season is scheduling as usual. The teachers and students have been worrying the unconditional school facility since the authority allocate the sufficient fund for its innovation. Thank you, Dejian International Zambia branch for your assistance to local education, so that we have new teaching facility and more smart and strong campuses.

Over 15 years Rooted in the African market, Dejian people will continue to fulfill their social responsibilities and help local infrastructure, education and community development while doing a good job as an enterprise.